100% c function to add 2 numbers

// Online C compiler to run C program online
#include <stdio.h>
int kooDu(int,int);//function prototyping
void main()
   int p,q,mottam;
   printf("\n enter two integers:");
   printf("\n sum of given numbers %d & %d =%d as printed in main()",p,q,mottam);
int kooDu(int a,int b) //function definition
    int z;
    printf("\n sum of given numbers %d & %d =%d as printed in the called function",a,b,z);

ఔట్పుట్ తెరమీద

enter two integers:1
sum of given numbers 1 & 3 =4 as printed in the called function
 sum of given numbers 1 & 3 =4 as printed in main()


ఈ బ్లాగ్ నుండి ప్రసిద్ధ పోస్ట్‌లు

Spic macay

శ్రీరస్తు.. రామలింగ 18-1-24 (సూరసాని వారి ఆహ్వానము)

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