नमस्कार  mech & civil students faculty can use this.  Wednesday, July 19 at 3 p.m. IST, for
the web workshop on 'Modeling Environmental and Earth Systems with COMSOL®'.

During this session, we will discuss:
- Flow and diffusion in porous media and treating partially
  saturated media   
- Analyzing mass convection–diffusion in forced, gravity-fed, and
  density-driven flows     
- Modeling flow and solute transport through porous media to study
  the spread of waste and pollution through soil   
- Simulating groundwater flow, flow of oil and gas through a
  well, structural deformations in rocks, and land subsidence
  due to groundwater extraction   

Please feel free to invite your colleagues too.

Best regards,
Venkata Karthik
Email: Venkata.Karthik@comsol.com ధన్యవాదములు


ఈ బ్లాగ్ నుండి ప్రసిద్ధ పోస్ట్‌లు

Spic macay

శ్రీరస్తు.. రామలింగ 18-1-24 (సూరసాని వారి ఆహ్వానము)

Assignment to gain eligibility to industry visit